Job connectz is Ghana’s largest online home services marketplace. It was started in 2025
You can follow the steps below to book a service on our app:
User can change address during the booking process as system prompt user to confirm the address, or he can change address from account management.
Yes, from booking history one can choose re-book option to avail the same service.
Yes, from booking history one can choose re-book option to avail the same service.
User can change is mobile number by editing his previous number from profile.
Professional will be notified with the service request, where one can accept or decline the request.
Professional can connect with customer using chat and call option provided in app.
With Earning tracking's one can track all the earnings he has made with help of filter to find specific day trackings.
If a customer requests additional work beyond the booked service, kindly inform them of create another service booking for the additional work.